Thankful – Day 1 (11/1/19)

From Mel B.

On this first day of November, I want to be more purposeful during this month of thanks. As you know, I do yoga and I meditate. And I try and lead my life full of gratitude. Not only because it makes me feel good, but it is scientifically documented, that an attitude of gratitude has a multitude of benefits. 

It’s not always easy. It’s often hard for me to look at the glass half full, but I’d like to take some special moments to recognize and be thankful for the good things in my life.

For today’s kickoff, I want to say I’m thankful that Bella is getting better. For the last two years, she has been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, diabetes, kidney issues, high blood pressure (though she’s well within the normal range, so that beats me why she has that diagnosis), blindness, and we can tell her hearing is going. 

But you know what? SHE IS JUST FINE. We have the right doses of her meds, she eats all her food, knows her way around the house, and purrs and purrs. Her vet isn’t concerned and doesn’t want to switch anything up. We’re just dealing with our new normal and we’re fine with that. 

The fact that she is eating and none of her daily habits have changed, shows me that she is just simply getting older. (As we all are!) And I am thankful for all of the love and head butts and purrs she has provided me over the years and how she continues to show her love daily. 

Here’s one of my fav pics of Baby Bella from this year…and it may be a sneak peak into our holiday card. 🙂 

It’s not always easy. It’s often hard for me to look at the glass half full, but I’d like to take some special moments to recognize and be thankful for the good things in my life.

For today’s kickoff, I want to say I’m thankful that Bella is getting better. For the last two years, she has been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, diabetes, kidney issues, high blood pressure (though she’s well within the normal range, so that beats me why she has that diagnosis), blindness, and we can tell her hearing is going. 

But you know what? SHE IS JUST FINE. We have the right doses of her meds, she eats all her food, knows her way around the house, and purrs and purrs. Her vet isn’t concerned and doesn’t want to switch anything up. We’re just dealing with our new normal and we’re fine with that. 

The fact that she is eating and none of her daily habits have changed, shows me that she is just simply getting older. (As we all are!) And I am thankful for all of the love and head butts and purrs she has provided me over the years and how she continues to show her love daily. 

Here’s one of my fav pics of Baby Bella from this year…and it may be a sneak peak into our holiday card. 🙂 

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