Oregon Trail: GenX vs. COVID-19

GenX we aren’t immune from COVID-19 — but don’t worry team, we got this. We trained for this. We trained hard.


Seriously, we know how to determine what supplies we need to get to the next stop. We know we can only carry what we can carry. (And we can only eat so much meat in 2 weeks!). We know how to ration our dollars. We know how to trade goods for goods, not goods for IG posts. Some of y’all even know how to fish and hunt and you know do things in nature without taking selfies.

Stop freaking out. Stop buying into the hype. Leaves also work as toilet paper! (Anyone who tried to get out of the Great Woods parking lot after a Dave Matthews concert in the 90’s can tell you that! Just not the shiny red ones!)

For real, the more toilet paper you have in your cart, the less room you have for food that doesn’t spoil!!!

For real, open your cabinets, do inventory. Don’t tell me you don’t have time – we are all practicing social distancing – you’ve got nothing but time. If you don’t have enough to reasonably last two weeks – Okay, hit up the general store. If you do, hold onto that list, case in a week or so someone you know might be in a real quarantine and in need of something you have. Be generous and give it to them, be kind and trade for something you might need.

Oh, yeah… and reminder, sometimes, you can even make edible things from otherwise un-edible stuff – flour, baking soda, etc. etc. Do some baking! Hell, have your kids help you. (Again, you are all trapped together. And remember what our parents remembered about the Blizzard of ’78 – it was the fun family-time in the snow, not the freaking out over having enough food! They just ate what they had in the fridge and the ice box.)

And very seriously, if you have questions… go to the sources…

Links below!

…And stop considering social media as gospel. It’s basically a giant game of Telephone… and we all remember how that turned out!

— See you suckers in Oregon, Tarrah xo

CDC – Center for Disease Control
Information about COVID-19 in the US

WHO – World Health Organization
Coronavirus Advisory Information
Corona Virus Q&A
Corona Virus Condition Overview

For real, COVID-19 is serious… stop freaking out, follow the instructions and act like humans.