Thankful – Day 15 (TGIF!)
We all have long days, weeks, months, years…
Well this year hasn’t been any different. It has been a whirlwind of a year for both of us who write this blog. For me, I started a new job, lost a ton of weight (which in your 40s IS NOT AN EASY TASK!), have written about Baby Bella’s challenges, and have maneuvered my second year of living with the #manofmystery beautiful. All in all, it has been a whirlwind of a year, with a few lows and many highs.
But sometimes you need just time to sit back and reflect.
I took this job to take a step back from my corporate career. And in many cases, it was the right choice, and then in many other cases, I’m learning to maneuver my way through the non-profit world and re-working my work/life balance. In that way, it has been an awesome.
For some reason though, I am more tired by the time Friday morning arrives and very much look forward to my Friday evenings. I can look back on the week and feel accomplished and can leave my work life at work. It has been refreshing and really good for all of my relationships. I no longer work on Saturdays or Sundays; I no longer stress about deliverables. I simply enjoy my weekends, my errands, my yoga practices, my food and wine, my naps, my time with the family I’ve created here. I just enjoy.
So here we go. Cheers to the weekend. I am thankful.