Comfort Television: It’s a Mood
A friend recently posted on Facebook (ahem, Mel B) looking for recommendations for binge-worthy television. Current or past.
And I got to thinking… what shows do you watch for what moods?
I have some friends who turn to Friends or The Office or Parks & Rec at all times. I guess I’m more moody than my friends.

Dawson’s Creek (old faithful)
Not really s shocker, look at the name of this blog, but also I can watch it whenever. Angsty teen drama for life! Also, Joshua Jackson in Hawaiian shirts.

The West Wing
This show gave me hope back then, it gives me hope now. And also, Josh Lyman. And the pre-celeb status cameos and story arcs are fantastic. I see you Connie Britton. I see you Taye Diggs. I see you Amy Adams. And, we didn’t forget about that mid-Friends Matthew Perry story arc.

Gilmore Girls
Admittedly, I didn’t watch this one when it was first one – which was an oddity for me being the WB/CW’s #1 fan. But, now, I can’t watch it enough. Ask Netflix for my stats.

Freeform is where it is at these days. A character for everyone, storylines that make sense, and topics that are educational (for everyone, not just the millennial set). Strong ass women. Bold bright personalities who aren’t afraid to make mistakes. Seriously, turn it on. (Also, Aisha Dee can we please be BFFs?). And let’s not forget, when Freeform was still ABC Family they gave us Greek!

This show is so well-done and awkward and honest and funny. I’m just thrilled that there is another season coming.
#JerryforPresident! I’m always reticent to start a new reality series, but if you haven’t watched Cheer yet, you are doing a disservice to no one but yourself. They fight, they cheer, they compete. Girls get dropped on their heads. And also, what is that trainer doing???

Everyone can use a little devil in their daily lives. I’ll just leave this here… and you just let me know if you have any questions!