Thankful Day 5 (11/5/19) – Fall Days

Being a girl from Miami (and yes, as I write this, I have “Jenny from the Block” dancing in my head…like “Melly from the Block”…sigh…I need to stop), I grew up in typical warm weather climate. I loved it. It was natural to me that “cold” would be 60 degree weather and “frigid” weather dipped all the way down into the <gasp> 50s.

To this day, I still make fun of my BF regarding the one day YEARS AGO she went to get gas on her way to work and she said it was so cold that she had to put on a…drumroll…sweatshirt. (Sorry D, you know I love you.) But seriously, it wasn’t that cold and this story is more than a decade ago. I really do need to let it go.

And my pops still harps on these temperatures and when he visits for the holidays, we argue about him bringing his winter coat. Anyhoo…let me get back on topic. I have a tendency IRL to get off topic completely for no real reason.

But like most red-blooded American girls, I love Fall. I love sweaters. I love leggings (well, I love leggings year-round). I love PSLs. I love apple picking. I love baking with the apples I get from apple picking. You get the idea. I love all food-related activities to Fall. Thanksgiving is the best day of the year because I get to wake up and watch football and eat…all. damn. day. It’s amazing.

So I guess what I’m saying is…I am thankful for Fall days and falling leaves and the permission I give myself to cuddle up with a pumpkin-spiced anything and watch the Food Network cooking competitions.

Seriously, if you take one thing away from this post – other than the fact that PSLs are amazing – it is to take time for yourself and be thankful for all of the little things life can throw at you at any given moment.