Dueling posts – Okay so we aren’t really dueling, but we both had something to say about our love for Kenny Chesney concerts and the importance of tradition. So… we decided to give you all BOTH of our POVs.
First up, Mel B!
One definition I found on tradition states that it is “a long-established or inherited way of thinking or acting.”
I like that definition.
Basically because I’m a girl that craves tradition. I like routines and I’ve created my traditions with my friends and family. They ground me and I look forward to certain things. Football on Thanksgiving. Take out on Fridays. First walk on the beach once the temperature hits 70 degrees.
Which is why this summer had me a bit off kilter. Like T, my psyche hurt a bit as well.
Tradition was broken. The one thing I count on every summer is going to see Kenny with Tarrah. Every. Damn. Summer.
Here’s how it goes. We buy tickets for Friday. Then, the next day Kenny opens up tickets for his now “newly planned” Saturday show and we get club seats at Gillette Stadium (yes, we’re bougie that way. We like clean bathrooms and no lines to get our beer or wine.) So we get tickets for Saturday too. And then we sell our Friday tickets. Or we go to both shows. Either way, we go to Kenny.
We plan it a year in advance. We figure pre-drinks and food. We plan our tailgate food. Who is driving. Other people can join us; or they don’t. But we go together. Every. Damn. Year.
Tradition is tradition.
With Kenny not having his show this year, both Tarrah and I felt off. And I don’t think either of us could put our finger on why. But it was the fact we didn’t see each other and Kenny’s tour never came. We broke tradition.
But something changed for next year. And it changed this week. KENNY ANNOUNCED HIS CHILAXIFICATION TOUR!! And we got our bougie tickets for the Friday show and now all is right with the world.
We’re set for 2020. Tradition is restored. And the world can keep turning.
And…. now from Tarrah…
Today is Kenny Chesney #ChillaxificationTour sale day! It’s Christmas people. It’s better than Christmas!
Tickets for Gillette Stadium – August 28, 2020 – ACQUIRED. Mel B and I are going to the concert… again. Everything is right in the world. Tickets for Gillette Stadium – August 29, 2020 – ACQUIRED (Sadly, not the bougie seats we’d hoped for, but still pretty great seats!)
Kenny likes to end his big stadium tours at Gillette Stadium in Foxboro, MA, which also happens to be the home of my beloved New England Patriots. It also means a trip back to Boston and to see my family and my people. This concert to cap off the summer has been our tradition since “Brothers of the Sun” Tour.
This concert is the perfect high note to end my summer on – to set the tone for a busy fall and an insane Awards season. This concert centers me. This concert is what I wait for all year.
We are always aiming for the last night of the tour – the theater kid in me loves the last night of the tour, the tears, the hugging, the strike. But every year we go through the “is he going to add a Saturday night game” after we buy our Friday night tickets. So yeah, we usually end up going both nights.
It’s like my own personal meditation home base (with 30,000 of like-minded strangers). Where else can you hear him sing Boston? Or hear your mom signing loud and proud about getting high, blissfully unaware of the lyrics?
I feel like Kenny might be my spirit animal – guiding me to the beach, to recenter, relax and realize that whatever is stressing me out is not all that important. Leading me to have an adventure, buy a boat, drink a beer, paint a wall. (And let’s talk about that for a second, ‘paint a wall’ – yeah, in my mind, that’s totally a Pacey and Joey reference. If I’m wrong, I don’t want to be corrected. It’s nice here, in my own little world.)
2019 was rough, there was not stadium tour and for the first time in nearly a decade, I didn’t work the ACM Awards… I get it sometimes you gotta mix things up. I get it I do. But man my psyche is hurting… from a distinct lack of Kenny. I need that show. I need that reset.
And now, we begin counting down the days until August 28… and Guitars, Tiki Bars… and a whole lotta love.